Experimentează Adevăratele Arome la Grano-M

Răsfață-te cu pizza noastră artizanală și produsele de panificație, preparate cu ingrediente naturale.

Descoperă esența Grano-M

La Grano-M, sărbătorim 15 ani de pasiune pentru ingredientele naturale și măiestria artizanală, creând arome autentice într-o atmosferă caldă și primitoare pentru clienții noștri dragi.

Cea mai bună pizza din oraș!

Anatolie Palade

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Pizzele de la Grano-M sunt excepționale! Gusturile sunt autentice, iar ingredientele sunt mereu proaspete și naturale.

Vasile Manole

A warmly lit pizzeria with a rustic, industrial design featuring a large wood-fired oven. Stacks of firewood are stored on shelves along the walls. Round wooden tables and chairs are positioned throughout the room. Two chefs are working behind the counter, and there are a few condiments and utensils on top. The concrete floor and ceiling along with pendant lighting add to the cozy atmosphere.
A warmly lit pizzeria with a rustic, industrial design featuring a large wood-fired oven. Stacks of firewood are stored on shelves along the walls. Round wooden tables and chairs are positioned throughout the room. Two chefs are working behind the counter, and there are a few condiments and utensils on top. The concrete floor and ceiling along with pendant lighting add to the cozy atmosphere.

Fiecare vizită la Grano-M este o adevărată încântare! Angajamentul lor față de calitate și gust este cu adevărat remarcabil.

Ion Furdui

A freshly baked pizza with slices of melted cheese, cherry tomatoes, and herbs is being served. A hand is holding one slice, ready to take it from the tray lined with branded paper. The background features a glass display counter and blurred figures, suggesting a bustling café or pizzeria setting.
A freshly baked pizza with slices of melted cheese, cherry tomatoes, and herbs is being served. A hand is holding one slice, ready to take it from the tray lined with branded paper. The background features a glass display counter and blurred figures, suggesting a bustling café or pizzeria setting.

Authentic Italian Flavors

Experience our artisanal pizzas and baked goods crafted with natural ingredients and passion.

Meșteșugul Pizzei Artizanale
Rectangular pizzas topped with olives, onions, mushrooms, and cheese are showcased on wooden boards. Fresh basil leaves are scattered around, along with garlic bulbs, a bowl of pepper flakes, and dried herbs.
Rectangular pizzas topped with olives, onions, mushrooms, and cheese are showcased on wooden boards. Fresh basil leaves are scattered around, along with garlic bulbs, a bowl of pepper flakes, and dried herbs.

Savurează pizzele noastre artizanale, pregătite cu cele mai fine ingrediente și tehnici tradiționale.

A rectangular wooden board holds a freshly baked pizza topped with green herbs, slices of thin meat, and melted cheese. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting a cozy kitchen or pizzeria environment.
A rectangular wooden board holds a freshly baked pizza topped with green herbs, slices of thin meat, and melted cheese. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting a cozy kitchen or pizzeria environment.
A person in a brown apron is holding a pizza peel with a freshly prepared Margherita pizza, topped with slices of mozzarella and fresh basil leaves. The background shows a cozy dining area with green patterned wallpaper, wooden chairs, and neatly arranged shelves.
A person in a brown apron is holding a pizza peel with a freshly prepared Margherita pizza, topped with slices of mozzarella and fresh basil leaves. The background shows a cozy dining area with green patterned wallpaper, wooden chairs, and neatly arranged shelves.
Delicii proaspăt scoase din cuptor

Răsfață-te cu produsele noastre de patiserie delicioase, pregătite zilnic cu dragoste și ingrediente naturale.

Vă invităm să vă bucurați de o atmosferă caldă și de arome autentice ce celebrează moștenirea noastră culinară.

Atmosferă Caldă și Primitoare

Contactează-ne astăzi

Contactează-ne pentru întrebări, sugestii sau pentru a plasa o comandă. Suntem aici să te ajutăm cu preparatele noastre delicioase!


+373 60 5 70 70 4

